
Male!Teacher!ReaderXFem!Student!Canada! part 5

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Literature Text


The girls at school are getting worse and worse. It's like they don't like the fact that I'm occupying Mr._______'s attention. Their actions are getting more and more violent. Just the other day they cornered me in the bathroom and left me with bruises. I didn't show them to Mr. _______ though; I'm afraid he may make it worse still.

Fortunately winter break is coming up soon. Tomorrow as a matter of fact. Just one more day and then I get two whole weeks away from everyone. Unfortunately it would be a Christmas alone...again. My father already phoned and told me he wouldn't be coming home. Another year of mail-order presents for me. Oh well; at least I'll have some peace.

During lunch, I reported to Mr. _______'s classroom as usual. He greeted me and we talked and laughed and I felt truly happy and safe. My hands fidgeted with a small, wrapped box in my bag.

“Maddie?” Mr. _______ asked, noticing my movements, “Is something wrong?”

“N-no! I-I-I j-just...well, since Christmas break starts tomorrow and I won't see you...w-well” I placed the present on the desk, “M-Merry Christmas.”

Mr._______ stared wide eyed at the gift for a little while and his cheeks turned a little pink. “Uh,” he finally spoke “Wow...T-thank you, Maddie!”

As he began tearing away the paper, I said, “I-it's nothing really, I-I-I just saw it a-and thought you'd like it.”

He opened the little box and pulled out my gift: a new wrist watch with a (fav.color) leather band and a face imprinted with an apple and a pencil, perfect for a teacher. Mr._______ smiled brightly. “Maddie I love it!”

“R-really?” I asked stupidly.

He was already putting it on. “Of course! It's perfect! And perfect timing; my old watch just broke and I've been meaning to replace it. Thank you so much!”

My cheeks heated up. I didn't expect him to like it all that much. “L-like I said, i-it's nothing, really. I-I just happened to find it by chance.”

He was still admiring it as he said, “I just wish I had gotten you something!”

“Oh, M-Mr. _______, t-there's no need to--”

“Oh!” he interrupted. “I've got it! It's perfect!” He began opening and closing drawers quickly searching for something. At last he found what he was looking for; a necklace with a silver chain and a maple leaf charm attached. It was beautiful.

“This was given to me by...a friend...a long time ago,” Mr. _______ explained. I noticed he seemed to be very far away. His smile became a frown and he seemed to be thinking about something. He just stared silently at the charm on the chain, as if hypnotized by it.

I tried to speak to him. “M-Mr._______?”

He blinked suddenly and shook his head a bit as he was pulled down to earth again. “A-ah! What? S-sorry! A-anyway, I've kept it with me for good luck. But I don't need too much luck any more so it's all yours!” He leaned over and clasped the chain around my neck.

He wasn't fooling me; this necklace had a story behind it. I looked down and held the maple leaf charm in my hand, gazing at it. What history did this charm have? What mysteries did it conceal? I decided it was best not to ask at the moment. I doubted I'd get answers anyway.

“T-thank you, Mr.________,” I said politely. “It's beautiful.”

“Merry Christmas, Maddie!” he smiled.

Just then the bell sounded signaling the next class. As I exited the room I turned and gave him a quick good-bye and he smiled in return. As I left, out of the corner of my eye I saw the same group of girls that beat me before glaring at me with pure hatred. I had no idea what their issue was; I didn't even know their names, much less ever talk to them. But, with only a few hours left until I can escape this prison, I shrugged it off and proceeded to my next class.


As I was about to turn in for the night, I gave one last look at the watch Maddie gave me. I couldn't help but smile; it was the first Christmas gift I had received in years, and it was from the last person I expected. Just the fact that she had the extra thought for something like this gave me butterflies for some reason. I just wish I had something better to give her than that necklace. But she seemed to like it, so I suppose it was alright.

I switched off the light and lay back on my bed. Just as I was about to drift away, my cell phone went off. I rubbed my eyes and checked the caller ID, but it wasn't a familiar number. I yawned and answered the call.


“M-Mr. _______?”

Now I was really awake. “Maddie? W-what's wrong? You sound upset.”

“I...I'm not sure I can take anymore...”


“M-Mr. _______?”

“W-what did you say?”

“I don't think I can take anymore.”

There they were; the same words that ruined what little childhood I ever had. I felt my heart racing. I knew that whatever I did next would decide how her story ended. I thought I was prepared for something like this. God how stupid can a guy get?!

“Maddie? Maddie listen to me; first of all, are you at your home?”

“Y-Yes?” she replied through her tears.

“Is there anyone there with you?”


I sighed gruffly. “Alright, Maddie, here's what I need you to do; I need you to talk to me.”

“T-talk? A-about what?”

“Anything. Everything. What ever comes to your mind. I promise to hang on every word. If you run out of things to say, I'll give you a topic and you just go from there, understand? Just, whatever you do, don't stop talking for so much as a minute.”

“B-but w-what--”

“Maddie just do it alright?”



I did as he asked and just talked. I started about my day, but after about an hour the topic got so off track I some how wound up talking about my stance in the flying vs. driving debate. I have no idea really how the conversation got where it was or where it was even going, but as he promised he listened to everything I had to say, no matter how ridiculous I thought it was.

Two hours passed. I was still talking. This is probably more talking than I've ever done in all my life combined. My lips were dry and my throat was sore, but for some reason Mr._______ just insisted I keep going. Every time I wanted to stop, it seemed like he was going to panic and he begged me to stay on the line.

As I kept rambling I was suddenly interrupted. “Maddie?”

I stopped talking immediately. “Y-yes?”

“Thank you for cooperating with all of this. I just need you to do one more thing.”

“Yes? W-what is it?”

“Open your front door.” Immediately I heard a knock at the door as he hung up the phone. I hung up as well and raced to the door. The second I pulled it open, I barely had time to see who it was before I was forced into a death grip hug and pulled into a strong, warm, firm chest. Mr._______'s heart was pounding in his chest, like he ran all the way over here.

I was so stunned I couldn't even return the embrace. I called him and the next thing I know, here he was on my door step at 2:30 in the morning, in the middle of December, wearing a wife beater, pajama pants, and slippers. It's like he just jumped right out of bed to come and see me.

I was suddenly pulled down to earth. “M-Mr. _______! I-it's freezing out there! Come inside and close the door before you catch your death!” I pulled him inside and shut the door behind him. “What are you doing here?”

“I couldn't leave you here alone,” he panted. “Not after saying things like that. I won't make the same mistake twice.”

“Mistake?” I asked. “W-what--”

“It's not important,” he cut me off. He placed his large hands firmly on my shoulders. “What happened? Exactly what made you say those awful things?”

My lip trembled as I spoke. “T-those girls at school...who were always picking on me...they know where I live!” I choked out a sob. “I don't know how they found out, but they know! I heard the doorbell ring after school today and when I opened it up, there they were and they started throwing rocks and snow at me!” I fell into his chest and sobbed, soaking his wife beater. He stroked my hair and rubbed circles in my back.

I went on. “I...I-I'm so scared...home used to be the one place I could feel safe. But now I can't even feel at ease when I open my own door. After crying for a few hours I decided to call you. I-I'm sorry I made you go through all this; I mean you were probably in bed and everything and now I made you come out all this way--”

“Maddie, just stop talking,” he said suddenly. I stopped talking immediately. “Calling me is the best thing you could have done then. I'm glad you called me. Don't ever feel like a burden to me and never be afraid to ask me for help at any time of the day or night.”

He pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes. “Maddie, will your father be home any time during the holiday?” I shook my head. “Right then. Pack a bag, you're coming with me.”


“I'm not letting stay here alone. First of all, after what you said to me on the phone, I don't trust you not to do something disastrous. Second, I won't have those girls coming back and doing something worse to you. And third, and most important,” he put on a small smile, “No one should be alone for Christmas.”

I smiled back at him and nodded. I grabbed a large suitcase and filled it with clothes, toiletries, books, and a few other things from my room. Before leaving, I grabbed my stuffed bear, Mr. Kumajiro, off my bed and carried him in my arms. I returned to Mr. _______ downstairs, where he was waiting patiently for me on the couch.

“Make sure you lock up the house good and tight. Wouldn't want you to return to a burglary,” he advised.

“Mr. _______, what about mail? And what if someone calls my house?” I asked.

He thought for a moment before replying, “I can drive by once a day to pick up any mail that may be left for you; your house is only about a forty five minute drive away. As for your phone...let me see your cell phone.” I complied and gave him the device. He carried it over to the house phone and pushed a few buttons. The phones beeped a couple times and then he handed the phone back to me. “There you go,” he said, “I've transferred the house phone to your cell. Now all calls made to the house will go directly to your cell phone.”

“Wow,” I said, staring at my cell. “Clever.”

“Come on,” Mr. _______ nodded, “My car's out front.”

He helped me into my winter coat and I locked the door and set the security system before we left. He carried my bag over to a faded (color) Mercedes and loaded it into the back seat. I climbed into the passenger's seat and he sat opposite and started the car. I could tell it was an old car and rather cheap as well, not that there was anything wrong with that. I looked at the dash board of the car; 225,000 miles. Old is right!

It was a silent drive all the way back to his house. I was eager to see how my teacher lived. Finally we pulled into the driveway of a modest, one story house; the smallest house on the block and the only one without Christmas lights or decorations outside. It was painted a simple light brown color and was surrounded by snow covered bushes. Mr. _______ grabbed my bag and led me to the front door. He unlocked it and escorted me inside the modest abode.

“Home sweet home,” Mr. _______ smiled. “It's nothing to boast about, but it's a roof over my head and a floor beneath my feet, and sometimes in life you're lucky to have even that.”

The inside was very simple; the room I stood in was a combination living room and dining room. A large couch sat against the wall with an arm chair sitting opposite and a coffee table between them. No television I noticed, but there was a large bookshelf crammed full of books and a small radio sitting on an end table by the fireplace. On the other side of the room was a simple dining set; three plain wooden chairs surrounding a circular wooden table. Through an archway I saw a small kitchen and down a hallway I could see doors leading to a few other rooms in the small house. There were no paintings or pictures or curtains or decorations of any sort around; everything was very, very plain. All in all, it wasn't too much, but for a single man I thought it would be more than comfortable.

“I know what you're thinking,” Mr. _______ smiled, placing my bag down on the floor, “It's kind of a hovel, especially compared to that nice two-story you live in.”

I jumped in surprise and quickly shook my head. “N-no! Mr. _______ I-I never--”

“It's alright Maddie,” he assured, “I get it; I'm not as well off as others, it's no secret. I'm sure you noticed that I'm the only house on the block without lights out front or a tree in the window.”

“W-Well, y-yes, b-b-but I-I wasn't—I-I-I mean I would never—Er, I....Don't they pay you much as a teacher?” I finally got my speech under control. “I-I mean, I know teachers don't earn much, but do you make even less?”

“No no,” he chuckled a bit, “I make just as much as the others. I just didn't have much to begin with, so  I can't be even a little frivolous; can't waste anything if I can avoid it. But enough about that,” he picked my bag back up, “You'll be sleeping in my room.”

“Y-Your room? B-but where will you sleep?”

He nodded to the couch against the wall. “You'd be surprised at how comfy that couch is. I find myself dosing off on it from time to time.” He led me down the hall, directing me to the bathroom outside the bedroom and the closet where he kept extra quilts in case I got cold during the night. Then we went into the bedroom. Just like the rest of the house, it was simple and plain. There was a queen sized bed in the center with simple beige sheets and pillows. On one side of the bed was a night stand with a lamp and against the wall opposite the bed there was a small dresser and a mirror.

“Sorry there's no curtains on the windows,” he said, placing my bag on the bed. “I usually rely on the sun to be my alarm clock in the morning.”

“It's okay,” I replied.

“Well, I'll leave you to get ready for bed.” He left the room and closed the door behind him. I opened my bag and changed into my pajamas. I pulled the quilts over my body and snuggled into the bed. I inhaled deeply and took in his scent and smiled. But, as soft and comfortable as the bed was, I just couldn't sleep. Maybe I was still shaken from earlier, or maybe it was being in a strange bed, but I just couldn't get to sleep. So I just lay there, listening to the silence of the winter night. I suddenly heard some noises coming from down the hall. Curiosity got the better of me and I stepped out of bed to investigate. It was chilly in the house, so I took the bed quilt with me.

I saw a light in the kitchen. I stepped inside and found Mr. _______ boiling water in a kettle on the stove. He turned and noticed me in the entryway. “Oh, Maddie, sorry. Did I wake you?”

“N-no, I couldn't get to sleep.”

“Neither could I. Tea?”

“I would love some.” Just as I spoke, the kettle whistled and he removed it from the heat. I took a seat in one of the wooden chairs and waited quietly. A couple minutes later Mr. _______ came out with a small tray with a steaming tea pot, two mugs, a half bottle of milk, a bowl with packets of artificial sugar, and a small plate lemon wedges. “Um, I hate to seem demanding, b-but do you have any maple syrup by any chance?” I asked.

He placed the tray on the table and thought for a moment. “I just might. One moment.” He left and returned a second later with a bottle in his hands. “Sorry, it's just the artificial stuff; can't afford the real thing.”

“N-no, it's alright,” I smiled. Of course I much prefer the real thing, but I wasn't about to seem ungrateful. Besides, I didn't want to embarrass him, not after everything he's done for me. I took the bottle and poured a generous amount into my cup. Mr. _______ watched with interest and after I set it down he shrugged and smiled.

“When in Rome,” he said and imitated me, pouring syrup into his tea as well.

I took a sip of tea and said, “T-thank you, Mr. _______.”

He smiled and said, “Maddie, you can't go the entire two weeks calling me Mr. _______. It makes me feel old. Outside of school, just call me _first name_.”

“O-okay M-mr—I-I mean _______.” We had our tea with light conversation until I decided to be a little daring. “Um..._______?”


“I was...well...I...I was just curious...about you.”

He cocked his head a bit. “Me? What about me?”

“ As a whole, I mean. There's a lot of questions I have about you—that everyone has about you—and no answers. So...if I'm not prying--”

“I knew it wouldn't be long before you asked,” he gave a sad smile. “The things I've said and done would only lead to questions. I suppose I may as well tell you my story, but I warn you; it's not a happy one.”
Long over due and long awaited. Sorry for the inactivity; I've been really busy recently. Enjoy!
© 2014 - 2024 maniac19
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dragoneaster12's avatar
Before you catch you death.....

:iconmegustaplz: that's a good word to say when someone will die....